Terms of Use for the Kiel Data Management Portal

-April 2012-

Creation and updates of metadata are logged and displayed.
Upload of files is logged and displayed (date and uploading user) as well as information on file downloads by registered users which is available to file owners on request.
Data security:
4 levels of privacy can be assigned to uploaded files: personal access, community access, internal access and open access.
Metadata (e.g. position, gear, method and name) are visible to all users. Visibility of sensitive metadata may be restricted on request.
Before publication, the creator of the data has to give his/her consent.
The data management assumes responsibility for preservation of metadata and data files for 10 years since creation. Long term publication and archiving in a world data center shortly after creation is strongly encouraged and supported.
The file creator assumes responsibility for quality control of data made visible by assignable flags (raw, preliminary, final). Data are supposed to be well documented and in a common format in order to be useable by third parties without further questions.
Use of downloaded data for purposes other than research and education requires the written agreement of the file creator.
Dissemination of files is intended to happen primarily via this portal. In any case the <Terms of Use> must be included when forwarding a file to third parties.

I agree to these terms, start download
