10 North Pond, Midatlantic Ridge
OBT (Ocean Bottom Tiltmeter, Fabian & Villinger, 2008) deployed at Logatchev Hydrothermal Field, mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°N. The instrument is capable of monitoring seafloor deformation with a resolution of 1 µrad over a period of one year. Seafloor deformation can be associated with magmatic activity and/or changes in the subsurface hydrological regime.
North Pond is an isolated northeast-trending sediment pond, approximately 8 km x 15 km in aerial extent, and located on the western flank of the MAR at 22° 45'N, 46° 05'W. During IODP expedition 336 in the fall of 2011 two CORKs (borehole observatories) were installed, predominantly for sampling crustal fluids for microbial studies.
GeoMICROBE (Cowen et al. , 2012), an instrumented longterm seafloor system which pumps fluids from three different horizons at CORK 1383C, North Pond. The system is monitoring flow rate, temperature, O2, pH and redox. Options for in situ filtration and large fluid sampling exist.