SFB 754 Colloquia – Guest Scientists
International renommated scientists who work closely with the SFB 754 or are experts in fields of interest to the SFB 754 community, are invited to give a talk. The colloquia are also used for the subprojetcs to present their progress or discuss interesting research questions within the SFB 754 community. The colloquia are open to anyone interested and take place around once per month. The colloquia are around 45 min and held in English.
Date | Speaker | Title | Room |
29.11.2019 11:00 h | Dr. Rob Middag Netherlands Institute of Ocean Research, Texel, Netherlands | Bio-active metals in the ocean and confounding correlations | Building 14, TLZ, Seminar Room, GEOMAR Eastshore |
20.03.2018 | Dr. Mati Kahru | Time series from ocean color | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
03.03.2017 | Dr. Stephanie Hensen | Variability in the biological carbon pump | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
23.02.2017 | Andreas Schmittner Associate Professor of the college of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregan State University, USA | Reconstructing the glacial ocean: very weak Atlantic overturning and iron fertilization maximize carbon storage | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
25.01.2017 1.30 pm | Derek Vance Geochemistry, ETH Zürich | The oceanic biogeochemical cycle of zinc and its isotopes | Large Conference Room GEOMAR East shore (8A) |
20.12.2016 13.00 Hrs | Dr. Chia-Te Chie PBSci-Earth & Planetary Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz | Impacts of Dry Atmospheric Deposition on Aquatic Systems – Nutrients, Trace Metals and Lead Isotopes | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
07.12.2016 08.45 Hrs | Dr. Daniel Whitt Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK | How winds fuel phytoplankton growth at upper-ocean fronts | Seminar Room GEOMAR West shore |
15.09.2016 08.45 Hrs | Dr. Bas E. Dutilh | Predicting interactions from metagenomic data | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
19.07.2016 08.45 Hrs | Prof. Samar Khatiwala | Exploring the controls on glacial-interglacial variations in atmospheric CO2 in an observationally-constrained ocean circulation-biogeochemical model | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
14.07.2016 13.30 Hrs. | Prof. James Moffett | Highlights of the 2013 US GEOTRACES Zonal Section | TLZ Seminar Room GEOMAR East shore |
01.07.2016 08.45 Hrs. | Dr. Tobias Friedrich | Nonlinear paleo climate sensitivity and its implications for future Greenhouse Warming | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
28.04.2016 15.15 Hrs. | Dr. Alexander Treusch | Ecological engineered oxygenation: a microbial perspective | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
09.03.2016 09.00 Hrs. | Prof. Cindy Lee | Thoughts on Particle Dynamics in the Ocean: sinking, exchange, aggregation, disaggregation and decomposition | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
10.02.2016 16.00 Hrs. | Prof. Kevin Lamb | Internal wave generation by tide-topography interactions over near-critical slopes with an application to wave generation on the Peruvian Shelf | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
13.01.2016 15.30 Hrs. | Christoph Heinze | A pilot study towards modelling of the sedimentary paleo-climate record 130-0 kyrBP | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
13.07.2015 | Konstantin Stolpovski (B1/B5) | New estimates of global rates of organic carbon mineralization and preservation in bioturbated marine sediments | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
18.05.2015 | Department of Physics, University of Oxford | Intense nutrient upwelling in anti-cyclones caused by sub-mesoscale instabilities | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
27.03.2015 | Michael Lomas Bigelow, Laboratory for Ocean Sciences | Phytoplankton biodiversity and physiology: Impacts on global biogeochemistry. | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
17.03.2015 | Johannes Hahn (A4) and Jan-Dirk Matthiessen (A4) GEOMAR Kiel | Variability patterns of oxygen in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic OMZ - from submesoscale to interannual scales. and Influence of the Equatorial Deep Jets on the North Equatorial Counter Current. | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
10.03.2015 | Sven Neulinger (B4) GEOMAR Kiel | Oxygen Minimum Zone Viromics | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
13.01.2015 16:15 Hrs. | Alexandra Loginova (B9) and Sören Thomsen (B9) GEOMAR Kiel | Dynamics of FDOM and CDOM in ETNA under variant nutrient conditions during experimental mesocosm study. and The formation of a low-oxygen mode water eddy within the Peru Chile Undercurrent and its impact on the near-coastal salinity and oxygen distributions. | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
03.12.2014 15:15 Hrs. | Dr. Wolfgang Koeve and Dr. Paul Kähler Biogeochemische Modellierung, GEOMAR | A puzzle of oceanic oxygen utilization | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
03.12.2014 14:30 Hrs. | Dr. Jenny Hieronymus Stockholm University Sweden | The evolution of delta13C during oceanic anoxic events - implications of external sources and sinks | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
24.10.2014 | Dr. Joachim Segschneider Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie Hamburg | Temperature-dependent remineralization in a warming ocean increases surface pCO2 through changes in marine ecosystem composition | Seeburg Conference Room - West shore |
09.10.2014 | Prof. Steve DiMarco | Ocean Observing in a troubled Gulf: Hurricanes, Deadzones, and Oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
11.09.2014 10:15 Hrs. | Niels Peter Revsbech | Photosynthesis and respiration in pelagic low-oxygen environments | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
11.09.2014 | Anna-Louise Reysenbach | Emerging patterns of microbial diversity associated with deep-sea hydrothermal deposits | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
09.09.2014 10:15 Hrs. | Sam Jaccard | Deglacial weakening of the oceanic soft tissue pump: global constraints from nitrogen isotopes and oxygenation proxies | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
07.09.2014 | Sophie Rabouille | On the life of a unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium: from cultures to models | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
05.09.2014 | Dr. Ping Chang | An Oceanic Teleconnection Mechanism Linking High-Latitude North Atlantic Abrupt Climate Changes to the Tropics | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
17.07.2014 | Alexandra Marki (B2), Ulrike Lomnitz (B5) GEOMAR Kiel | Modelling microbial community composition and controls on benthic-pelagic coupling of the phosphorus cycle in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
17.07.2014 | Manuela Köllner (A3), Rainer Kiko / Helena Hauss (B8) GEOMAR Kiel | Tracer loss via sinking marine particles in the tropical North Atlantic OMZ | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
17.07.2014 | Jessica Gier (B6), Carolin Löscher (B4) GEOMAR Kiel | Diazotrophic diversity in sediments | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
04.06.2014 | Katrin Meissner University of New South Wales | Seeburg Conference Room - West shore | |
14.04.2014 13:15 Hrs. | Dr. Jens Appel, Prof. Rüdiger Schulz and Kirstin Gutekunst Physiology and Biotechnology of Plant cells working group CAU Kiel | Is there significant turnover of H2 in the ocean | Lecture hall, GEOMAR westshore |
08:30 Hrs. | Johannes Hahn and Tim Fischer GEOMAR Kiel | Oxygen Supply to the Tropical North East Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone | Large Conference Room GEOMAR West shore |
21.11.2013 08:30 Hrs. | Subprojects B2, B4, B8, B9 | First results of the joint mesocosm experiment 2013 | Large Conference Room |
25.10.2013 08:30 Hrs. | Tal Dagan CAU Kiel | Trends and barriers to lateral gene transfer during microbial evolution | Hörsaal GEOMAR West shore |
21.10.2013 15:15 Hrs. | Shuang Gao AWI Bremen | Simulating the modern d30Si distribution in the oceans and in marine sediments | Hörsaal |
17.09.2013 08:30 Hrs. | Vincent Echevin and Francoise Colas L'OCEAN and IRD, France | Mesoscale and submesoscale processes in the Humboldt current system | Hörsaal |
16.09.2013 08:30 Hrs. | Prof. Biswarup Mukhopadhyay Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech, USA | Development of biological sulfate reduction and redox control systems - from early Earth to today's Earth | Großer Konferenzraum West shore |
12.08.2013 11:00 Hrs. | University of Hawaii, USA | Changes of ventilation of the past 4 glacial cylces. | Hörsaal |
24.06.2013 13:15 Hrs. | Dipl.-Biol Katja Trübenbach Centro de Oceanografia, | Hypoxia tolerance of jumbo squids (Dosidicus gigas) in the Eastern Pacific oxygen minimum zones: Physiological and biochemical mechanisms. | Hörsaal
24.06.2013 09:30 Hrs. | GEOMAR, Kiel | Wie entstehen Sauerstoffminimumzonen im Ozean? - physikalische Ursachen. | Small practical room West shore |
19.06.2013 | Renato Salvacetti L'OCEAN, France | Multi-decadal to millennial scale variability in productivity, pelagic fish abundances and Oxygen Minimum Zone intensity off Peru during the last 25 000 years. | Großer Konferenzraum |
14.05.2013 | Dr. Lothar Stramma | Geht dem Meer die Luft aus? | Hörsaal |
| Dr. Ivonne Montes | Modelling the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. | Großer Konferenzraum |
29.01.2013 |
| Near-coastal supply of oxygen and dissolved organic matter to the OMZ. |
14.01.2013 |
| Oxygen depleting processes and feedbacks in the oxygen minimum zones of the Angola Gyre and the Benguela upwelling system - a model approach. | Hörsaal |
07.01.2013 |
| The distribution of Iron in the Mexican OMZ: possible biogeochemical processes causing the occurrence. | Großer Konferenzraum |
14.12.2012 | Dr. Andy Dale | A global model of redox-dependent biogeochemical cycles. | Großer Konferenzraum |
20.11.2012 | Fanny Monteiro | Evolution of the ocean biogeochemistry at the Late Cretaceous. | Hörsaal |
| GEOMAR, Kiel |
22.06.2012 |
| Großer Konferenzraum |
| Ocean deoxygenation - a tale of two regions. |
19.04.2012 |
The NOC drifting sediment trap programme - history, achievements and future prospects. |
| LEGOS, France |
| Dead-zone Eddies in the open North Atlantic Ocean. |
09.02.2012 |
| Oceanic nitrogen-fixing microbial interactions and spatio-temporal dynamics: applications of genomics and remote instrumentation. |
Prof. Brad Seibel |
13.07.2011 | University of New South Wales, | Calculating the AMOC OFF state saddle node and transient behaviour. | Hörsaal West shore |
04.07.2011 |
| Satellite Ocean Color Applications: from Global to Arctic to the Baltic. | Hörsaal West shore |
22.02.2011 |
| EBUS: a natural SOLAS playground. | Retreat, Lübeck |
22.02.2011 |
| Using Si isotopes to trace the biogeochemical cycling of Si. |
22.02.2011 |
21.02.2011 |
| Pathways between the Equatorial Zone and the Subtropics. | Retreat, Lübeck |
| Concordia University, |
| SFB 754 guest scientist at IFM-GEOMAR |
29.10.2010 | Dept. Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada | The tropical Pacific during the last glacial cycle: Proxy calibrations and new findings. | Hörsaal West shore |
| Max Planck Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen |
| School of Marine Sciences, |
| IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel |
| Korean Ocean Research |
The flavor of "El Niño" in a changing climate. |
| Autonomous University of Barcelona |
28.10.2009 | Marine Biogeochemistry at SAMS, UK | Oxygen dynamics of marine sediments: a challenge in resolving time and space. |
| AWI, Bremerhaven |
08.10.2009 | Technion - Israel Institute of | Metagenomics in the speed of light. |
| University of New South Wales, |
| Universidad de Concepcion, Chile |
| NCAR, Boulder |
| Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et |
Preliminary results from the filamentos and VOCALS-REx cruises in the Peruvian upwelling system. |
05.06.2009 | IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel |
15.05.2009 | Institut for Geosciences, Kiel University |
| Hörsaal West shore |
| Scripps Institution of Oceanography, |
| University Angers, Laboratoire d'Etude |
| Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Institut für |
| Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, |
| School of Marine Sciences, |
| NIOZ Department of biological |
| Department of Marine Sciences, Uni. of the Aegean, Greece |
| IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel |
| Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, |
| Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, |
Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Deep Global Ocean. |